Statistical and Analytical Reports

Iran's Oil & Gas Fields 2005

Published Date: October 2005
Status: Available (Softcopy)

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Iran possesses about 9% of crude oil and over 18% of gas reserves of the world. Even then, about 80% of Iran has not yet been explored for hydrocarbon finds. Many experts believe there are huge undiscovered potentials in the country.
In recent years there have been many initiatives to develop certain known and commercially viable hydrocarbon reserves of the country. There are fields that are seen unviable under the prevailing situation and available technology, which could make commercial sense in the future.
In line with the said viewpoint, IranOilGas Network has prepared a report about all discovered hydrocarbon reserves of Iran, regardless of their present status; of being left undeveloped, planned for development or being developed.
The report provides the location, the background, the status, characteristics and macro as well as micro maps of 176 Iranian oil and gas fields.

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Established by highly experienced oil & gas professionals in 2000, IranOilGas Network is the leading independent Iranian oil, gas & petrochemical information network providing a variety of consultancy & information services.

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